Association Membership Application Form

Membership Application

Moreton Bay Birali Steiner School Association Inc.

The Association

The Moreton Bay Birali Steiner School Association Inc. (MBBSSA Inc) is an Incorporated Association responsible for the legal, financial and strategic affairs of Birali Steiner School. There are many ways members may become involved in the Association including voting at general meetings, assist in subcommittees and/or nominating for membership of the Board.

Membership of the Association

You are encouraged to exercise your right to become a member/or renew your membership of the Association by completing the form below.

Payment of Membership fee is required at time of your application. Current Membership fee is $20.00.
Please organise direct deposit and use your surname as the payee reference. BANK DETAILS: MBBSS BSB: 084-004 A/C NO: 302 714 893 PAYEE REF #: SURNAME/INITIAL

Please return completed form via email to [email protected] & [email protected] and confirm payment, or hand into Administration of School office, 670 Beachmere Road, Beachmere Qld 4510.
By signing the Membership form, you agree to “The Objects of the Association” (Clause 3, Objects of IA39239 Rules of Inc. Assoc. MBBSSA Inc.) and are supportive of the School - the Rules are available on our website. The Board approves new member applications at the following Board meeting. On acceptance of this application by the Board, membership is valid so long as your relationship status with Birali Steiner School remains current as outlined in the Association’s Constitution/Rules, which are available to all members on request via [email protected].
Thank you for your support for the Moreton Bay Birali Steiner Association, The Board.

Application for Membership of Association

By signing below, as an Association Member, I agree to abide by and observe ‘The Objects of the Association’ (Clause 3, Objects of IA39239 Rules of Inc. Assoc. MBBSSA Inc.) and apply to become a member of the Moreton Bay Birali Steiner School Association Inc t/a Birali Steiner School (Incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 and Associations Incorporation Regulation 1999.
I understand that I am considered to be a member of the association by:
i) completing and returning this form; and
ii) paying the membership fee; and
iii) when my application has been accepted by the Board.

Please select the class of Membership for which you are applying for: Ordinary Membership
Full Name
Full Name
Postal Address
Postal Address

By signing this form, you agree to “The Objects of the Association” (Clause 3, Objects of IA39239 Rules of Inc. Assoc. MBBSSA Inc.).

Members Email List

Note: to become a Member of the Association, you must be proposed and seconded by any two current Association Members. If you do not know of two members, the Administration staff will print the form and be able to assist with the below signatures.

(please print) (please enter TBC if you don't have an existing member to sign)

Note: As the nominator you are confirming, to the best of your knowledge, that the nominee is eligible for membership in the category
for which they are nominating.

(please print) (please enter TBC if you don't have an existing member to sign)

Note: As the seconder you are confirming, to the best of your knowledge, that the nominee is eligible for membership in the category
for which they are nominating.

Office Use Only
Payment Date:

Payment Method:

Approved Date: